Monday, 16 July 2012

What they DON'T train you for...

Specifically, the huge volume of paperwork involved with aviation!

So after recovering from a couple of days worth of "celebrating" getting my MEIR (and a good friend getting both his NZ and UK multi instructor ratings), I set about the somewhat laborious task of completing the mountain of paperwork required actually get the rating officially issued by the CAA.

My apologies to the rainforests!
Pile of paper

A new personal best of 3 separate forms...

  • 24061/01 - Application for Issue of Flight Crew Licence or Prime Rating
  • 24FPP - Fit and Proper Person Questionnaire
  • 24061/04 - Application for Amendment to a Pilot Licence
The first one is obviously required... the second is just a pain in the arse and the third is pretty straightforward.

The "Fit and Proper Person Questionnaire" has to be one of the most annoying parts of applying for an "aviation document".  If you haven't completed one within the last 2 years, you must prove that you are worthy of holding a licence... ie. you aren't a crim and/or you don't have a whole bunch of drink driving convictions etc.

This involves applying to get your criminal history from the Ministry of Justice (relatively easy, but takes forever for them to process... something like 4 to 6 weeks is normal), your demerit point and suspension history from Land Transport (easy, but now costs $11.10??!?)... then find a JP or some other "person of standing in the community" to sign the form verifying you are who you say you are and that the copies of your ID and proof of address are legit etc.

If you've already done this in the last 2 years... you fill in a declaration that takes like 30 secs and basically says "I promise nothing has changed since last time I did this"... Naturally, with all the delays I'd had getting to my flight test, I was just over the 2 year validity period... :-/

The application for amendment isn't really a huge deal... it was just required to get all the extra aircraft type ratings added to my licence... this usually costs around $50... but is free if you do it when applying for a licence or "prime" rating ;-)

And to top it all off... I have to send in the original of my flight crew licence... so no flying for me until my application has been received, processed and my new licence is sent back to me... which will probably be about 2 weeks!  #firstworldproblems :-(


Ardmore Pilot said...

Is it a club policy that you physically need your licence on you to go flying?

ZK-JPY said...

Huh... I could have sworn it was a 'legal' requirement to carry it with you, but I cannot find any reference in the CARs or ACs.

It is however a good idea when visiting any of the designated "security" aerodromes (ie. ones with airline traffic)...

I've been "ramp checked" a couple of times, and it makes things easier when trying to get airside ;)