The weather finally co-operated for me on Saturday and I got to do my first solo cross country :)
It was the same flight as the Dual (NZAR - NZHN - NZTG - NZWV - NZAR)... but without the safety net of the instructor. Aside from my PPL flight test, it was possibly the only time I have actually felt nervous walking out to the aircraft... It really showed when Trevor strolled up after I had strapped myself in and was starting to go over my checks.
"Ready to go?", he asked. "errr Yep" I replied. "Ok then, I'll take the chock off the nose wheel then shall I?"... DOH!!
I taxied out thinking that it is attention to detail (or lack thereof) that always catches you out... and I was determined not to make any more mistakes. Unfortunately, as
Mr. Murphy is alive and well in Aviation, it was by no means a stroll in the park...
To begin with, they were operating both frequencies at Hamilton, not something I was familiar with, but not a huge deal, you just change freq's when they tell you... Unfortunately, one of the controllers was a little hard to understand due to his accent but I got on the ground safely and taxied to the pumps at the aeroclub to top off the tanks, so I would not need to fill up anywhere else.
They have also changed the layout of HN a little due to work being carried out on the runways... so being told to 'taxi to the engine runup area' was a little confusing.
Heading to Tauranga, I was getting a bit concerned that the terrain was around 2000' and the cloudbase was around 2500'... thankfully there was a nice clear patch that I could scoot through. I was a little concerned that I would face the same problems coming the other way, but the weather did look like it was improving and I did have the option of the Waihi Gap on the way home.
I tuned up the ATIS and was a little alarmed to hear "Controller Training in progress"... oh oh... talk about the blind leading the blind! hahaha
So I requested clearance into the zone for a touch and go onwards to Waihi Beach and was given a racecourse 1 arrival... basically fly in by the racecourse at 1500' and report when holding at the hospital... so i did...
Initially, I did not get any response, so I just did an orbit an reported again... I was finally given a straight in approach for 07 grass... sweet!
So while setting up for the grass, I was then cleared for the Touch and Go... and cleared onwards to Waihi Beach with a Matakana Departure... and cleared left turn after take-off...
Trying to listen, remember and readback all that while trying to execute a precision approach was probably the busiest I have ever been in the cockpit... but I dropped JFY right where I wanted at 55kts... back to 10 degrees of flap, and climbed back out, turned left and tracked up the coast to Waihi...
Where I encountered the lovely seabreeze crosswind and curved 31 approach again... but this time I nailed it first time :) I considered stopping for a few minutes, and after getting back to AR I wish I had as my back was really stiff, but the weather was looking good and I did not want to risk it closing in... so I just backtracked, lined up and did a shortfield take-off. I had planned on using the Waihi Gap, due to the earlier weather, but climbing out of Waihi I got up to 3000' and was nowhere near the clouds, so I just cruised back at 3000' all the way to AR.
2.9 hours of flying and I had covered over 160nm's (just over 300km's) and I had successfully flown myself in and out of a couple of controlled aerodromes without the dreaded 'Please call the tower' :)
Now I need some nice clear days so I can get the high level cross countries done to remove the restriction on my license!
This flight: 2.9 Solo
Total Hours: 103.0 (73.4 Dual Day, 0.9 Dual Night, 28.7 PinC, 5.1 IFR)