Sunday, 2 March 2008

Rated '172' - contains coarse language

Finished off my type rating in the 172... did not think it would be flyable today, but mother nature is a very curious creature ;)

The cloudbase was up around 1500' so plenty of room for circuits, so I headed out to NZAR, pre-flighted DXJ, found a couple of 'willing' participants to sit in the back seat for a couple of circuits and off we went...

The first landing was a little bouncy... but the 2nd was ok, so Trevor said he was happy and I could either park up or head up for some solo work. So, I dropped everyone off on the taxiway and headed back up for some solo circuits :)

Unfortunately the cloud was really starting to roll in, and other aircraft were running back in from the training area at 1300' so I only got one circuits before I had to call it quits.

I parked up and headed inside to finish off the paperwork and then being the optimistic sort that I am, I hung around talking bollocks hoping for the weather to improve... which it finally did after lunch and I managed to get a good hours worth of solo circuits... fantastic!

So I am now rated on the 172 and looking forward to getting stuck into some cross country work... I just hope we get some nice weekend weather for a change!

But as someone at the club said to me today "Do you know what Aucklanders call a day of blue skies and sunshine after 2 days of wind and rain?.... Monday!" :P

This flight: 0.3 Dual + 0.2 Solo + 1.0 Solo
Total Hours: 91.6 (69.6 Dual, 22.0 PinC, 5.1 IFR)

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