Saturday, 26 January 2008

Long Weekend...

Lovely sunny day to start the long weekend... an hours worth of solo to practice my forced landings... nailed them. So thought some stalling practice would be good, until I did my clearing turn and saw a 172 heading straight at me... have no idea what frequency he was on, but he either had not heard my position report or just did not care.

So I headed back to NZAR to do some circuits... as fifteen thousand other planes had the same thought! hahaha... 3 of us trying to join overhead together, but luckily it worked out well and everyone was able to slot in fine.

Unfortunately the winds were a little tricky today... it was effectively at right angles, only 8 or 9 knots so nothing horrible like last weekend, but it was swinging through around 50 or 60 degrees so the occasional tail wind on landing...

Then after a break, I went up with Trevor to demonstrate my forced landing, then a precautionary and back to NZAR. A nice steady crosswind meant it was a perfect opportunity to demonstrate my crosswind landing technique and I nailed it!

If I can find a free B-Cat instructor tomorrow and do a solid check flight, I should be able to book my actual flight test for next week! woohoo!

This flight: 1.2 Solo + 1.1 Dual
Total Hours: 86.7 (67.0 Dual, 19.7 Solo, 5.1 IFR)

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