Monday, 24 December 2007

Nothing but gray...

So it was a lovely blue sky day yesterday... maybe a little on the breezy side at 19 knots... but a really nice summer day...

and I got to spend my flight staring at a piece of gray plastic...

Almost an hours worth of simulated IFR... almost at the minimum required 5 hours worth of IFR... it was good fun, but a little bumpy which made holding headings and altitudes a bit of a mission...

He was nice and gave me a quick 10 second peek at the scenery about half way through... an absolutely glorious day out over the water about halfway to the coromandel peninsula... blue skies, blue water... lovely... then back to the gray plastic :(

It didnt help that he keep remarking every 10 minutes or so about how awesome the view was... bastard! ;)

The best part of the flight was when Trevor said "Ok, take off the hood" and I was at about 400' on final approach. "Ok, now fly the approach" he says :) I had managed to join and fly the circuit without being able to see anything!

Good fun, and hopefully, now that I have a couple of days of leave, I might even get some flying in over the Xmas break...

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

This flight: 1.0 Dual (0.8 IFR)
Total Hours: 77.3 (60.1 Dual, 17.2 Solo, 4.0 IFR)

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