Saturday, 6 October 2007

Too close + Too High

Forced Landing practise... and lots of. And, I think I have finally figured out my problem...

I have been picking reference points (1500' AGL area and 1000' point) that are quite close to the landing zone. This is not necessarily a 'Bad Thing'(tm), but what is bad, is that I have then been flying overhead these points, rather than maintaining correct spacing. This results in me being too close and therefore too high...

But my last one (of 4 today) was really good, and I feel that I will just learn to pick points further out and watch the spacing.

On a side note, a Spitfire was doing some test flying today... simply awesome... and without doubt the most beautiful looking (and sounding) aircraft every...

Also on show was a P-51 Mustang, not the Kiwi Thunder scale replica, but the real mccoy...

This flight: 1.3 Dual (0.2 IFR)
Total Hours: 65.1 (53.8 Dual, 11.3 Solo, 3.2 IFR)

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