Sunday, 23 September 2007

Hour Building

So I am now at the stage were its practice, practice, practice... and I am trying to get the minimum hours...

I need 15 Solo, 5 IFR.

I had been intending on going and practicing stalls, turns and forced landings today, but the cloud base was around 1500 to 2000ft so I decided to bash the circuit for an hour instead.

Took ETZ for a change today (but mostly because JFY was already booked) and discovered that the seats are a little high, so while the view over the nose is great, I have some troubles getting my legs under the dash... so lifting my feet to use the toe breaks is a little tricky, and I find that when trying to turn the control column all the way to the left, it bangs into my knee...

A real shame, as ETZ is a little pocket rocket, and I love it... but I just do not think it is safe (or comfortable) for me to try to wedge myself in :(

So I practiced Max Performance Take off, Standard Approach (x4), Flapless Approach (x3) and Shortfield Grass Approach (x1) today... 8 circuits in 1.1 hours... sweet as!

Also, some really nice approaches (flying the the numbers) and some nice flare and touchdowns. I am very happy!

Next week, Forced landings and Glide Approaches.

This flight: 1.1 Solo
Total Hours: 62.4 (51.6 Dual, 10.8 Solo, 2.8 IFR)

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