Saturday, 16 June 2007

Concrete mixers... Friend or Foe?

That was the question I was asking myself about 2 minutes into my flight. Let me explain...

After a week of really shite weather, I rolled out of bed to be greated with completely clear blue skies and a gentle breeze... awesome i think, getting my stuff together and heading out to NZAR. Pre-flighted JFY and talked bollocks with a couple of the instructors and other students while waiting for the tanker to fill up the aircraft, then headed out to the active for and hours worth of solo circuits.

And that's when the fun began! Adjacent to the airfield, running parallel to the strip is a range of low-lying hills, around 1000 to 1200 feet or so... nothing to scary. However, as I found out, when you put a wind over them at around 10 to 15 knots, they generate a fair amount of turbulence

Just so you know, C-152's do not like turbulence!

Anyway, I stuck it out for 4 circuits before calling it quits... and it was good to get some proper crosswind landing practise. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

This flight: 0.5 Hours Solo
Total Hours: 50.3 (45.1 Dual, 5.2 Solo, 1.3 IFR)

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