Sunday, 29 April 2007

Use the force Luke...

thats how I feel after the latest flight... that scene from Star Wars where Luke has the helmet on with the blast visor down and is trying to battle the little floating ball... only I was wearing these... they're called Foggles and work on the same sort of principle ie. you can't see.

So instead of looking out the window, it was scanning instruments and making turns and climbs as instructed... only today it was not "climb to 2500 feet"... "ok now, turn right to 040"... "now turn left to 250"... it was "turn right to 040 while climbing to 2500.... at 80kts"... "now, climb to 3000 while turning left to 020... at 70kts"... "now climb to 3500 at 90kts"...

I think the phrase is "Busier than a one-armed paper hanger"!!

And then a couple of FLWOP before back under the foggles and heading for home... Was making little 5 and 10 degree course changes and when I finally got the ok to remove the foggles I was about 15 seconds from making the overhead rejoin... its very disorientating :)

Managed to pull off a decent overhead join despite 2 others doing the same thing... at the same time... from different directions... NZAR is a busy place on a sunday afternoon!

Have been told that next week I will be flying with a B-Cat to get checked out for solo work in the training area! Sort of a mini-checkride... should be fun :)

This flight: 1.3 Hours Dual (0.5 IFR)
Total Hours: 46.9 (43.1 Dual, 3.8 Solo, 0.7 IFR)

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