So in the 6 weeks that I've been enjoying what "Mother England" has to offer... I've been North-ish, South, East and West... I've seen Fenlands, Moors and what the English call "hills"... I've had CAVOK, haze, Fog and barely VFR minimums... I've had sunshine, rain and 20kt crosswinds!... I've had "Basic" service, no service and penetrated a MATZ (Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone)... I've dodged gliders, motor-gliders & micro-lights... I've seen some interesting crop circles, a giant chalk horse, more windfarms than you can shake a stick at, "secret" military installations and a massive fire (see below)... I've even been asked by a prison (via the local airfield info service, kinda like UNICOM at Ardmore) to "move along" :-/
But most of all, I've racked up 102.3 hours... which by reckoning puts me at a shade over 500 hours Total Time! :)
It's kinda scary to think that in just 6 weeks, I have managed to accumulate 1/4 of the amount that had previously taken me 4 or 5 YEARS to get!
In Short... I've had a bucket load of fun so far... Touch wood, it'll stay that way :)
3-bladed, Jet-A1 powered Cessna 172
An interesting mix of old and new
Odds of flying this morning? about 0%
Kyoto Protocol... we've heard of it
What Carbon Footprint?
There IS a windfarm there somewhere... Honest!
Secret Squirrels... Shhhh!
Giddy up!
Aliens or bored teenagers?
or Alien teenagers?!?!!