Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Most pilots are familiar with the "CTWO+" concept... A quick briefing of important safety related factors (Charts, Terrain, Weather, Operational + Threats) before take off to ensure everyone is aware of possible issues and how we can help mitigate them...

Flying in Papua makes for some interesting briefings... Here is mine from earlier this afternoon at Ilu... With a visual aid ;)
Looking "down" Runway 35 at Ilu

Chart - Runway 35 is 800m long at an elevation of 6100' with a 7% downslope...

Terrain - ummmm yeah, it's a "bit" of a factor... So an early left turn after clearing obstacles :P...

Weather - is good, not a factor.

Operationally - Max performance take off, STOL kit installed, so flaps full, rotate at 60kts, above 75kts with positive rate and clear of obstacles I'll call for flaps 20. Committal point is that shed about 100m down the runway and if we have to abort for any reason our option is to swerve into the ditch to the right, we don't go off the end. Takeoff weight is around 8000lbs, best glide will be around 91kts.

Threats - Animals and people crossing the runway, keep a good look out...

Any questions?

1 comment:

Flyinkiwi said...

Hey Jared, question for you. Are you looking to fly the Porter or moving up to multi? And if so, what are the requirements to be a Porter pilot?