Wednesday, 10 December 2014

A day (or three) off... with internet!

And electricity... Something of a luxury here in Indo...

And just to prove the point... The power just went out and the guys have turned the backup generator on! Haha...

Anyway, between the "full on" 6 day tours in northern Kalimantan, where electricity, nevermind internet access, is a "sometimes" thing... A roster that can (and does) change daily... Flights cancelled because of smog/haze caused by locals burning native forests so they can create palm oil plantation... Waiting days/weeks for government departments to issue various pieces of paper... And crazy weather that seems to follow no logical pattern... The last 6 months can be best described as "chaotic" ;)

Still... Beats sitting at a desk 9-5! :P

Some of the highlights so far:

  • Smashed through the 1000 hours total time, having racked up over 200 hours on the line
  • Had my photo taken with countless random passengers... Including ones who have just got off another airline and were just walking across the apron! ;)
  • Carried a 43kg "strong" box... Full of cash... That was strapped to the back of a scooter on arrival and driven away! :-/
  • Flew my first emergency "medivac"... An elderly gentlemen from a village in the mountains who had been shot in the abdomen with an arrow!!?!
  • First prisoner transport... Not exactly sure what the guy had done, but they slapped him in cuffs after he was onboard.
  • Carried live baby chickens...
  • Crossed the equator...
  • Strapped a woman into a separate lap and shoulder belt harness... While she was breast feeding!!?!
  • Had a tower controller try to vector me right through the middle of a 12 mile long wall of VERY active thunderstorms and CBs... That was within view of the tower! "Errr Negative, cannot comply due weather!"
  • Learnt Indonesian maths... Captain: "Max load is 980kg”... Ground crew: "thats Ok, we only have 1020kg total"... ??!?
  • Found a place that has decent coffee (harder than it sounds!)
  • Discovered that you can "shower" using wet wipes... For the record, about 20-25 should suffice...
  • Successfully negotiated the Indonesian banking system to get an ATM card replaced... Only took 2 visits to the bank, my passport, long stay visa, 3 forms, 5 signatures and about 6 hours of my life!
  • Spent more than 5 minutes in direct sunlight without burning to a crisp!
  • Got given a pineapple as a "thank you" gift, from one of the remote villages...

2nd best "Thank you" gift I've ever received...

Nice view from an outdoor urinal...

Basically my life for the last 6 months...
From this...
To this... In the space of 5 minutes!

Windows? We've heard of them... "Luxury" crew accommodation

Right on the profile... Right on sunset curfew! ;)

Indo airforce trainers... 2 seat Su-30's
Crossing the equator! 
Zoom zoom zoom... Around 380kph!
Smoke dropped the vis to less than 2km
OSH poster boy... Fixing an aircon unit... On the 35th floor!!?!

An "islander"... Literally!

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