Friday, 27 July 2012

A slight hiccup, but a big improvement...

Not even triple checking all your paperwork is OK before you send it off for processing guarantees that things will run smoothly...

Got home the other day and found an envelope from the CAA waiting for me... "Woohoo!" I thought, "My shiny new licence has arrived"...

Sure enough, I found the new format credit card sized piece of plastic with it's fancy holograms (see pics) inside... unfortunately, it had been endorsed as VOR, ADF and ILS as the NavAids for my instrument rating... DOH!

So I sent the CAA an email and received a response that basically said "Whoops! We've fixed it up and sent you another one"... 3 or 4 days later and this shows up :-)  VOR, ADF, GNSS... 
Ooo Fancy
A few more ratings for the collection ;)

You have to admit, that it is a HUGE improvement over the old licence format... which was effectively a piece of paper printed on a laser printer and then laminated!!?! (See below) I mean... the copy of your signature they added, was cut from your application form and glued on before laminating it!!  You can just make it out next to the giant black (paranoia) box I edited into the pic ;-)

Look what I found in my Weetbix packet mum!
Only 4 aircraft... and no twins

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