Sunday, 31 July 2011

One Hundred...

July 2011: 100.1 hours :D

Despite the best efforts of the english summer, I've managed to accumulate 100 hours in one calendar month...

Although, the weather has had the last laugh, as while today is blue skies and sunshine, there is just too much haze :(

On the plus side, it means I get a nice sunny Sunday to head out and enjoy the countryside... as opposed to the usual "off day" being couped up indoors all day due to bad weather :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Independence Day

3 months & 200.1 hours added to the logbook! But more importantly, I'm still having fun :-)

And as a (very) wise man once told me... "Find something you enjoy doing and you'll never work a day in your life... Even if it doesn't pay a lot, make sure it makes you happy"...

Thanks Dad, best advice you ever gave me :-)

In other news... I think I now TRULY understand why they call light aircraft "BugSmashers™"...


7.4 hours later...

Dammit... I spent over an hour cleaning the aircraft yesterday afternoon... and I think it might actually have more bugs on it now than before I cleaned it!! :-(