Saturday, 13 March 2010

Magic Plastic Part II

So I wandered out to check the mail today... imagine my surprise when I found a little white and blue envelope with the CAA logo emblazoned on the front...

I skipped back up the front path ripping the envelope open... Could it be?? YES! It could... wooooohoooo!!!!

They were even nice enough to add all my Type Ratings and the English Language Proficiency to the licence as well...

I still wish they'd make 'proper' cards, with photoID etc... so much for aviation security... on the other hand, they'd probably charge more than $60 for that ;)


Unknown said...

Good one mate!

Hey, if you're still looking for that logbook software, it's finally ready. Gizza email on avsoftnz (at)



Amanda said...

LIKE ! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! got any flights crossing the tasman anytime soon???