So I'm another year older... and perhaps a little wiser, depending on who you ask :P
The last couple of months have been something of a roller coaster both professionally and personally.
I've managed to sneak the odd flight in here and there, trying to keep my hand in and learn some of the CPL skills at the same time. However, for the most part I had been holding off due to the chance of being made redundant which meant that, one, I needed to be a little careful with the funds until I had a clearer picture of how everything was going to pan out and, two, that I might soon be able to fly "full time" which would help with currency.
The last couple of weeks have been particularly bad, having picked up this years rather nasty flu that left me in bed for 3 days and nowhere near able to fly for about 2 weeks :(
To top it off last week I got my letter informing me that my services would no longer be required effective October 16th. While this was not entirely unexpected, given that we were told back in May what the master plan was which basically gave us no longer than April 2010 but possibly, it still leaves you with that slightly numb feeling to be given a set date.
Being something of a "glass half full" kind of guy, I am looking at the opportunities that have presented themselves, namely "Time" as I no longer have to be at work Mon-Fri and "Money" as I stand to get a fairly healthy payout.
So I have decided that Time+Money = full-time flying to finish off my CPL and invest in a multi-engine instrument rating. Hopefully the Spring/Summer weather will be a bit nicer than the rubbish we've had the last week or so!! ;)
This was an awesome currency check
1 year ago